Build: #26 was successful Changes by Rob Kooper


The following logs have been generated by the jobs in this plan.
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Job Logs
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29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-wordcount-simple-r-extractor:latest
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 Sending build context to Docker daemon  8.192kB
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 Step 1/7 : FROM python:3.5
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 ---> 67f4589d3c88
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 Step 2/7 : ENV RABBITMQ_URI="amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq/%2F"
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 ---> Using cache
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 ---> 780c06a38965
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 Step 3/7 : EXPOSE 9999
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 ---> Using cache
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 ---> e35b498b2fe3
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 Step 4/7 : RUN pip install pika==0.11.2 requests==2.18.4
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 ---> Using cache
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 ---> bc90da966d93
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 Step 5/7 : WORKDIR /src
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 ---> Using cache
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 ---> c4f7ae366418
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 Step 6/7 : COPY /src/
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 ---> Using cache
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 ---> f20e0c8c8326
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 Step 7/7 : CMD python
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 ---> Using cache
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 ---> ea2efd4a43d1
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 Successfully built ea2efd4a43d1
29-Sep-2019 17:04:49 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-monitor:latest