Build: #1 was successful First build for this plan


The following logs have been generated by the jobs in this branch.
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Job Logs
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29-Sep-2019 15:27:31 Removing intermediate container ccd1a6ee582e
29-Sep-2019 15:27:31 ---> 0bcf24bf3259
29-Sep-2019 15:27:31 Step 3/7 : ENV RABBITMQ_URI=""     RABBITMQ_EXCHANGE="clowder"     RABBITMQ_QUEUE="ncsa.wordcount"     REGISTRATION_ENDPOINTS=""     MAIN_SCRIPT=""
29-Sep-2019 15:27:32 ---> Running in 5adcf23e1f20
29-Sep-2019 15:27:32 Removing intermediate container 5adcf23e1f20
29-Sep-2019 15:27:32 ---> acc9122706be
29-Sep-2019 15:27:32 Step 4/7 : USER clowder
29-Sep-2019 15:27:32 ---> Running in 7dac6807658c
29-Sep-2019 15:27:33 Removing intermediate container 7dac6807658c
29-Sep-2019 15:27:33 ---> de98c5d3d396
29-Sep-2019 15:27:33 Step 5/7 : COPY *.py extractor_info.json /home/clowder/
29-Sep-2019 15:27:34 ---> c56088d74292
29-Sep-2019 15:27:34 Step 6/7 : ENTRYPOINT ["/home/clowder/"]
29-Sep-2019 15:27:35 ---> Running in eafff1f3448e
29-Sep-2019 15:27:35 Removing intermediate container eafff1f3448e
29-Sep-2019 15:27:35 ---> 05934421e22e
29-Sep-2019 15:27:35 Step 7/7 : CMD ["extractor"]
29-Sep-2019 15:27:35 ---> Running in 4bd76fae44ef
29-Sep-2019 15:27:36 Removing intermediate container 4bd76fae44ef
29-Sep-2019 15:27:36 ---> 4f68423c4d01
29-Sep-2019 15:27:36 Successfully built 4f68423c4d01
29-Sep-2019 15:27:36 Successfully tagged 3956:latest
29-Sep-2019 15:27:36 Untagged: 3956:latest
29-Sep-2019 15:27:36 Untagged: clowder/pyclowder:latest
29-Sep-2019 15:27:36 Untagged: clowder/extractors-wordcount:latest