Build: #5 was successful Changes by Max Burnette <>


The following logs have been generated by the jobs in this branch.
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Job Logs
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05-Feb-2020 10:38:24 ---> Running in 309c1dd921a7
05-Feb-2020 10:38:25 Removing intermediate container 309c1dd921a7
05-Feb-2020 10:38:25 ---> 463a0eeb21fc
05-Feb-2020 10:38:25 Step 4/4 : ENV EXTRACTION_MODULE="wordcount"
05-Feb-2020 10:38:25 ---> Running in df996a68b83f
05-Feb-2020 10:38:26 Removing intermediate container df996a68b83f
05-Feb-2020 10:38:26 ---> 86011b3a8cc6
05-Feb-2020 10:38:26 Successfully built 86011b3a8cc6
05-Feb-2020 10:38:26 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-wordcount-simple-extractor:latest
05-Feb-2020 10:38:26 Sending build context to Docker daemon   5.12kB
05-Feb-2020 10:38:26
05-Feb-2020 10:38:26 Step 1/3 : ARG PYCLOWDER_PYTHON=""
05-Feb-2020 10:38:26 Step 2/3 : FROM clowder/extractors-simple-r-extractor${PYCLOWDER_PYTHON}:onbuild
05-Feb-2020 10:38:26 # Executing 5 build triggers
05-Feb-2020 10:38:27 ---> Running in 7e526b9e42c8
05-Feb-2020 10:38:28 Removing intermediate container 7e526b9e42c8
05-Feb-2020 10:38:29 ---> Running in 8ad730fbc734
05-Feb-2020 10:38:31 Removing intermediate container 8ad730fbc734
05-Feb-2020 10:38:31 ---> 51c465c00042
05-Feb-2020 10:38:31 Step 3/3 : ENV R_SCRIPT="wordcount.R"     R_FUNCTION="process_file"
05-Feb-2020 10:38:32 ---> Running in 768ee2fb0682
05-Feb-2020 10:38:32 Removing intermediate container 768ee2fb0682
05-Feb-2020 10:38:32 ---> 4de44035f7d6
05-Feb-2020 10:38:32 Successfully built 4de44035f7d6
05-Feb-2020 10:38:32 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-wordcount-simple-r-extractor:latest