Build: #275 failed Changes by Timothy McPhillips

Build result summary


Queue duration
1 second
44 seconds
Total tests
Fixed in
#276 (Changes by Timothy McPhillips)



Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
Timothy McPhillips Timothy McPhillips 4f74d8531c93f72b0559cf4232073f1c968a9c8b Change to dot output to support dark theme in editor app.


New test failures 38
Status Test View job Duration
Collapse Failed TestYesWorkflowCLI testYesWorkflowCLI_Graph_ExamplePy_ProcessGraph
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_CombinedView testDotGrapher_CombinedView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneInOneParamOneOut
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_CombinedView testDotGrapher_CombinedView_SamplePyScript
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_CombinedView testDotGrapher_CombinedView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneInOneOut
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_CombinedView testDotGrapher_CombinedView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_TwoInOneOut
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_CombinedView testDotGrapher_CombinedView_TwoProgramsOneChannel_InOut
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_CombinedView testDotGrapher_CombinedView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneInOneParamOneOut_ReduceParams
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_CombinedView testDotGrapher_CombinedView_TwoProgramsOneChannel_ParamOut
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_CombinedView testDotGrapher_CombinedView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneInOneParamOneOut_HideParams
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneInOneParamOneOut_HideParams
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneParamOneOut_ReduceParams
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes for non-parameter data channels in workflow */ d  /* Style for nodes representing parameter channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FCFCFC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes representing parameter channels in workflow */ x  /* Style for edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ edge[fontname=Courier]  /* Edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ x -> d [label=program]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes for non-parameter data channels in workflow */ d  /* Style for nodes representing parameter channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FCFCFC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes representing parameter channels in workflow */ x  /* Style for edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ edge[fontname=Courier]  /* Edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ x -> d [label=program]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */
node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]

/* Nodes for non-parameter data channels in workflow */
(103 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoProgramsOneChannel_OneInOneOut
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoProgramsOneChannel_OneParamOneOut_HideParams
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoProgramsOneChannel_OneParamOneOut_ShowParams
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_TwoInOneOut
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneParamOneOut_HideParams
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */ d  /* Style for edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ edge[fontname=Courier]  /* Edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */ d  /* Style for edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ edge[fontname=Courier]  /* Edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */
node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]

/* Nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */
(87 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneInOneOut
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */ d x  /* Style for edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ edge[fontname=Courier]  /* Edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ x -> d [label=program]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */ d x  /* Style for edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ edge[fontname=Courier]  /* Edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ x -> d [label=program]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */
node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]

/* Nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */
(93 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneParamOneOut_ShowParams
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */ d x  /* Style for edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ edge[fontname=Courier]  /* Edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ x -> d [label=program]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */ d x  /* Style for edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ edge[fontname=Courier]  /* Edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ x -> d [label=program]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */
node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]

/* Nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */
(93 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneInOneParamOneOut_ShowParams
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneInOneParamOneOut_ReduceParams
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoChannels_OneInOneOut_ExtraOut
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(89 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoChannels_OneParamOneInOneOut_HideParams
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(89 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoInOneOut_ExtraIn
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(89 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_DoublyNestedSubworkflow_Top
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program0 program1  /* Style for nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=2 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ subWorkflow  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program0 -> subWorkflow [label=channel1] subWorkflow -> program1 [label=channel2]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ channel0_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program0 program1  /* Style for nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=2 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ subWorkflow  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program0 -> subWorkflow [label=channel1] subWorkflow -> program1 [label=channel2]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ channel0_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(107 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoChannels_OneParamOneOut_HideParams
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(87 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_DoublyNestedSubworkflow_SubSub
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program4 program5  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program4 -> program5 [label=channel6]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ channel4_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program4 program5  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program4 -> program5 [label=channel6]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ channel4_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(93 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_TwoProgramsOneChannel_In
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_NestedSubworkflow_Sub
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program2 program3  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program2 -> program3 [label=channel2]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ channel0_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program2 program3  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program2 -> program3 [label=channel2]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ channel0_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(93 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoChannels_OneInOneOut
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(89 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoChannels_OneParamOneOut
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(89 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoChannels_OneParamOneInOneOut
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""] y_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""] y_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(91 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_NestedSubworkflow_Top
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program0 program4  /* Style for nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=2 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ subWorkflow  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program0 -> subWorkflow [label=channel0] subWorkflow -> program4 [label=channel3]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ workflowInput_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program0 program4  /* Style for nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=2 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ subWorkflow  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program0 -> subWorkflow [label=channel0] subWorkflow -> program4 [label=channel3]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ workflowInput_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(107 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_ThreeChannels_TwoInOneOut
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""] y_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""] y_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(91 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoChannels_OneInOneOut_VerticalLayout
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(89 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_ExamplePyScript
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_ThreePrograms_TwoChannels
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoChannels_OneInOneOut_HideParams
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(89 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_DoublyNestedSubworkflow_Sub
Build and test < 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program2 program3  /* Style for nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=2 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ subSubWorkflow  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program2 -> subSubWorkflow [label=channel4] subSubWorkflow -> program3 [label=channel5]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ channel1_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program2 program3  /* Style for nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=2 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ subSubWorkflow  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program2 -> subSubWorkflow [label=channel4] subSubWorkflow -> program3 [label=channel5]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ channel1_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
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