Build: #275 failed

Job: Build and test failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Job result summary

39 seconds
Total tests
Fixed in
#276 (Changes by Timothy McPhillips)


  • 376 tests in total
  • 38 tests failed
  • 38 failures are new
  • 7 seconds taken in total.
New test failures 38
Status Test Duration
Collapse Failed TestYesWorkflowCLI testYesWorkflowCLI_Graph_ExamplePy_ProcessGraph
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_CombinedView testDotGrapher_CombinedView_SamplePyScript
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_CombinedView testDotGrapher_CombinedView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneInOneOut
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_CombinedView testDotGrapher_CombinedView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneInOneParamOneOut
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_CombinedView testDotGrapher_CombinedView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneInOneParamOneOut_HideParams
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_CombinedView testDotGrapher_CombinedView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneInOneParamOneOut_ReduceParams
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_CombinedView testDotGrapher_CombinedView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_TwoInOneOut
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_CombinedView testDotGrapher_CombinedView_TwoProgramsOneChannel_InOut
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_CombinedView testDotGrapher_CombinedView_TwoProgramsOneChannel_ParamOut
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneInOneOut
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */ d x  /* Style for edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ edge[fontname=Courier]  /* Edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ x -> d [label=program]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */ d x  /* Style for edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ edge[fontname=Courier]  /* Edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ x -> d [label=program]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */
node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]

/* Nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */
(93 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneInOneParamOneOut_HideParams
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneInOneParamOneOut_ReduceParams
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneInOneParamOneOut_ShowParams
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneParamOneOut_HideParams
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */ d  /* Style for edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ edge[fontname=Courier]  /* Edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */ d  /* Style for edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ edge[fontname=Courier]  /* Edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */
node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]

/* Nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */
(87 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneParamOneOut_ReduceParams
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes for non-parameter data channels in workflow */ d  /* Style for nodes representing parameter channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FCFCFC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes representing parameter channels in workflow */ x  /* Style for edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ edge[fontname=Courier]  /* Edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ x -> d [label=program]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes for non-parameter data channels in workflow */ d  /* Style for nodes representing parameter channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FCFCFC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes representing parameter channels in workflow */ x  /* Style for edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ edge[fontname=Courier]  /* Edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ x -> d [label=program]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing non-parameter data channels in workflow */
node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]

/* Nodes for non-parameter data channels in workflow */
(103 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_OneParamOneOut_ShowParams
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */ d x  /* Style for edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ edge[fontname=Courier]  /* Edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ x -> d [label=program]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */ node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]  /* Nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */ d x  /* Style for edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ edge[fontname=Courier]  /* Edges representing programs connecting data channels in workflow */ x -> d [label=program]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */
node[shape=box style="rounded,filled" fillcolor="#FFFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Helvetica]

/* Nodes representing parameter and non-parameter data channels in workflow */
(93 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoChannels_OneProgram_TwoInOneOut
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoProgramsOneChannel_OneInOneOut
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoProgramsOneChannel_OneParamOneOut_HideParams
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_DataView testDotGrapher_DataView_TwoProgramsOneChannel_OneParamOneOut_ShowParams
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_DoublyNestedSubworkflow_Sub
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program2 program3  /* Style for nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=2 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ subSubWorkflow  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program2 -> subSubWorkflow [label=channel4] subSubWorkflow -> program3 [label=channel5]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ channel1_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program2 program3  /* Style for nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=2 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ subSubWorkflow  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program2 -> subSubWorkflow [label=channel4] subSubWorkflow -> program3 [label=channel5]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ channel1_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(107 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_DoublyNestedSubworkflow_SubSub
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program4 program5  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program4 -> program5 [label=channel6]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ channel4_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program4 program5  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program4 -> program5 [label=channel6]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ channel4_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(93 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_DoublyNestedSubworkflow_Top
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program0 program1  /* Style for nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=2 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ subWorkflow  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program0 -> subWorkflow [label=channel1] subWorkflow -> program1 [label=channel2]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ channel0_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program0 program1  /* Style for nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=2 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ subWorkflow  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program0 -> subWorkflow [label=channel1] subWorkflow -> program1 [label=channel2]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ channel0_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(107 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_ExamplePyScript
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_NestedSubworkflow_Sub
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program2 program3  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program2 -> program3 [label=channel2]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ channel0_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program2 program3  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program2 -> program3 [label=channel2]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ channel0_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(93 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_NestedSubworkflow_Top
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program0 program4  /* Style for nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=2 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ subWorkflow  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program0 -> subWorkflow [label=channel0] subWorkflow -> program4 [label=channel3]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ workflowInput_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program0 program4  /* Style for nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=2 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing composite programs (sub-workflows) in workflow */ subWorkflow  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ program0 -> subWorkflow [label=channel0] subWorkflow -> program4 [label=channel3]  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ workflowInput_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(107 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_ThreeChannels_TwoInOneOut
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""] y_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""] y_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(91 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoChannels_OneInOneOut
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(89 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoChannels_OneInOneOut_ExtraOut
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(89 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoChannels_OneInOneOut_HideParams
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(89 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoChannels_OneInOneOut_VerticalLayout
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(89 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoChannels_OneParamOneInOneOut
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""] y_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""] y_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(91 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoChannels_OneParamOneInOneOut_HideParams
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(89 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoChannels_OneParamOneOut
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(89 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoChannels_OneParamOneOut_HideParams
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(87 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_OneProgram_TwoInOneOut_ExtraIn
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; color=white subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]  /* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */ program  /* Style for edges representing channels between programs in workflow */ edge[fontname=Helvetica]  /* Edges representing channels between programs in workflow */  /* End of double cluster for drawing box around nodes in workflow */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_input_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0  /* Style for nodes representing workflow input ports */ node[shape=circle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier width=0.2]  /* Nodes representing workflow input ports */ x_input_port [label=""]  /* End of double-cluster for grouping workflow input ports */ }}  /* Hidden double-cluster for grouping workflow output ports */ subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_outer { label=""; penwidth=0 subgraph cluster_output_ports_group_inner { label=""; penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white

/* Style for nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
node[shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#CCFFCC" peripheries=1 fontname=Courier]

/* Nodes representing atomic programs in workflow */
(89 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_ThreePrograms_TwoChannels
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)
Collapse Failed TestDotGrapher_ProcessView test_TwoProgramsOneChannel_In
< 1 sec
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]  /* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]  /* Style for nodes...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...x_inner { label=""; [color=white]

/* Style for nodes...> but was:<...x_inner { label=""; [penwidth=0]

/* Style for nodes...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
(27 more lines...)