Blog from April, 2015

Modelling the DAP and DTS services to fill a role similar to that of a DNS, except for much more demanding operations over data, we often demonstrate Brown Dog via example client applications that utilize the services.  In the posts below we show a number of examples of the DAP and DTS being used in general workflow systems such as DataWolf, specialized workflow systems such as PEcAn, content management/curation systems such as Clowder, a command line interface, a web interface, a Chrome extension, a bookmarklet, and from within HTML via a javascript library.  In addition there is a python library with plans to also create interface libraries in R and Matlab.  At its lowest level, however, the DAP and DTS are RESTful web services with an API that is directly callable from a wide variety of programming and scripting languages.  For example the simple bash script below:


for input_file in `ls *.$1` ; do
    output_url=`curl -u user1:password -s -H "Accept:text/plain" -F "file=@$input_file" $url`
    echo "Converting: $input_file to $output_file"

    while : ; do
        wget -q --user=user1 --password=password -O $output_file $output_url
        if [ ${?} -eq 0 ] ; then break ; fi
        sleep 1

Our ultimate goal will be to include support for the DAP and DTS at the OS level and like the DNS, though largely invisible to the average user, be an essential part of the internet in terms of accessing, finding, and using data.

Critcal Zone

Here is a video of some of the capabilities we are adding to Brown Dog in support of our Critical Zone use case with Praveen Kumar at UIUC.  Towards better understanding the human impacts to a regions hydrology we have added extraction tools to identify floodplains in lidar data and pull historical river from digitized maps:

Special thanks to Qina Yan (Ph.D. student in Civil & Environmental Engineering), Liana Diesendruk (Research Programmer), and Smruti Padhy (Research Programmer), Jong Lee (Senior Research Programmer), and Chris Navarro (Senior Research Programmer), for their work on these tools and for developing the DataWolf workflow.


Coming releases of PEcAn will come with the ability to utilize Brown Dog for data conversions to model specific formats (part of our Ecology use case with Mike Dietze at Boston University).  In developments to come this will aid PEcAn in the usage of large data sets such as NARR.  Below you can see an example of Brown Dog being used to process the data needed for the SIPNET model:

and for the ED model:

Special thanks to Betsy Cowdery (Ph.D. student in Earth Sciences), Edgar Black (Research Programmer), and Rob Kooper (Senior Research Programmer) for adding the needed conversions to Brown Dog and interfacing to PEcAn.

Green Infrastructure

Added some some videos showing what we are doing for our Green Infrastructure use case with Barbara Minsker, Art Schmidt, and Bill Sullivan at UIUC.  In an effort to study the human health impacts of our day to day environment a number of extraction tools were built and deployed to do things such as assign a green index to photographed scenes, estimate human preference, estimate human sentiment from written descriptions, and identify bodies of water in aerial photos.  Below we show the extraction of green indices for various urban pathways:

the extraction of a human preference score estimate for photographed scenes:

the extraction of the writers sentiment for text descriptions of a given scene:

and for the extraction of areas containing bodies of water in aerial photos:

Special thanks to Ankit Rai (Ph.D. student in Informatics), Marcus Slavenas (Research Programmer), and Luigi Marini (Senior Research Programmer) for their development of these extractors and example workflows in Clowder.