

Goals - Technical Meeting

  • 1st Friday of Month will be webinar open to anyone with the link (will be on the Clowder main website).

    Other 3 weeks will be technical meeting for developers to discuss code, planning, etc.

  • Will start inviting more people - and we can send link to people on individual basis for invitation
  • CSSI - we now have some funding to pay for hardening of Clowder outside of work done by project specific work

Discussion items

  • review Shannon's notes
  • Mark the space as watched so you get notifications of changes

Clowder meeting went very well on Sunday

Clowder 1.7.2 released -

Will probably do another small release soon with - aim is to have more frequent releases

  • docker cleanup
  • more elastic search improvements - indexing
  • more search - pagination in API
  • bulk operations
  • mongo aggregate functions update so we can update to new version

First Friday in September - open clowder presentation meeting

Looking toward focused hackathons

py.clowder - there was a PR - with the heartbeats now the extractor info is enforced correctly - registry is now an array and not an object

Looking at a feature list - people can look at and thumbs up/thumbs down ... help determine focus

Elastic search queue - could be beneficial to rabbit-mq and other plug ins as well

Listen for re-indexing

Set up a meeting after Luigi gets back to do a post mortem review and create a summary report

do follow up survey and request suggestions again