

Goals - Technical Meeting

  • 1st Friday of Month will be webinar open to anyone with the link (will be on the Clowder main website).

    Other 3 weeks will be technical meeting for developers to discuss code, planning, etc.

Discussion items


Luigi Marini

  • PR merged to fix space invitations - got familiar with log in with social accounts - useful for general development going forward
    • is this documented on a wiki page anywhere (google or CILogin) - Max would like to
    • They are slightly different

  • pyclowder extractors - third party libraries - how can we expose some minimal info - running third party software and capture an error which we are not capturing right now - need better information returned
  • TERRA Ref has same issue unsolved

  • looking into different helm chart versions and how they connect to kubernettes
  • will provide link to confluence page with test results

Rob KooperLuigi tagged him in an issue with 1.7.4 (see above)