

Upcoming Webinars - need to schedule dates

Discussion items




Reviewing PRs - left comments

2.0 - Max and Todd working on this - everyone should be looking at PRs

Future Topics and discussions page should be created - deployment/configuration (how to change)

Should do a review/cleanup - (2.0 will be easy to drop things)

Suggestion: Admin is able to change config at run time using an interface form

currently change config file and reboot


Maven repo wants you to use https not http - svt version was http - PR request reviewed and merged

svt libraries not updated - probably updates somewhere else

Should consider not including svt and require them to install themselves



pyclowder pull request - - 104

simple extractor - (need to move it someplace else - make it a separate repo and pip install .... )

simple extractor handle functions/custom extractors that could work on HPC or regular

TERRA's are more unique and not supported by simple extractor

add support for data set output

no API endpoint for attach previews for datasets? Rob says it is upload preview image first and then attach to data sets (two step process)

Future: option overwrite metadata? (instead of duplicating) or make a history <<<

Check - would be nice to include in pyclowder

version number s/b included in metadata - some do / some don't - what should be consistent


issue with file counts - byte count incremented properly - delete removed twice as much

same for file counter

removed one inside file service

Max had also encountered - there has not been a decision on the final way to correct it - he was moving toward taking it out of mongo and putting it on the outside


Windows ARC-GIS extractors issue
get logs - and metadata is not going anywhere

Is it an issue with Pyclowder 1 - global key vs user key

If a call to derived file fails - would metadata still be posted?

ShannonClowder newsletter released:
Test webapp

Everyone now send Todd an email to download app

remind everyone to have it ready next Wed or Thursay

test next week

Hessamwill give a review of what they are working on next week - overview challenges of dealing Materials Science Data at some point