What I would suggest as requirements/functionality: 


  • On the Admin/Customize page have a checkbox for allowing types (Showing them on the ui)
    If the type is enabled: 
  • Add a managing dataset types per instance (Clowder) or per space page. A page similar to the metadata definitions page. 
    • If it is per instance, add it to the admin dropdown
    • If it is per space, add a button below the customize metadata terms and definitions 

 Note: I prefer for it to be per instance, and only admins of the Clowder instance can add possible types.

  • On Create a dataset a dropdown with the types for the instance show up.
  • The type would be listed on the dataset page below created on
  • There will be an edit button near the type which shows on hover. When clicked a drop down with the options for the  space/instance show up 
  • Add the type of dataset as an option in the search functionality. (i.e /datasets?type=bridges) 
I am tagging people so they can provide some feedback: Luigi MariniRob KooperJong LeeChristopher NavarroMaxwell Burnette
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