Sprint 39 retrospective

  • What went well
    • Focus
    • Stability – more confidence in the stability of the release because of testing
    • Velocity – more accurate estimation, we care, and we got things done
    • Working together on a branch
    • Testing mentality
    • Declaring "this is good enough" early enough to review
  • What didn't go well
    • We didn't release
    • Lack of a CI environment (disconnect between environments)
    • Things are still in review 
    • Noise: ESIP, HackIllinois, DataDrivenAg, NASA
  • What to continue
    • Point estimation
    • Staying focused (keep integrity of sprint)
    • Testing mentality

Current conditions:

  • ESIP
    • Christine has approved ESIP allocation at SDSC
    • Kevin has cycles (limited cycles)
  • DataDrivenAg
    • Commercial AWS/GCE support (roadmap item)
    • Tasks:
      • Cloud9all - terra
      • ML-environment (tensorflow)
      • JupyterLab
      • Rodeo?
      • Provision at SDSC
        • Monitoring
        • DNS/TLS problem
      • Account import
      • Data subset definition and transfer
  • HackIllinois
    • Nothing in sprint
  • GlobusWorld
    • Abstract in sprint
    • Personal endpoint support – after Globus auth
  • PEARC panel proposal due 2/19
  • Globus auth
  • 2017-10-19 Roadmap
  • Kubernetes 1.8, Travis, CI, Unit testing = stability and maintainability of the thing we're creating
  • Documentation
  • Si2 proposal

GCE Support

  • 1.6.9?
  • Can use gcePersitentDisk
  • Don't know if the client nodes work
  • Risk: still too high, but could move the ball forward

  • No labels