
  • Support for ~40 users accessing the primary workbench instance on June 20th
  • They've suggested only 2 tools, along with Raspberry RaspberryPi and Data APIs. 

Open questions:

  • Are we supporting this?
    • Maybe
  • How long are we supporting the system for AbbVie?
    • June 20th-23rd
  • Who are the users (the demo instance is for NDSC/RDA members, right)?
  • Will users have long-term access to the main instance (since this is our "demonstration" instance, we should probably revoke access after the workshop)
  • How will users be informed of the registration workflow? 
  • How much support are we providing during the workshop?
  • Would it make sense to just setup a dedicated instance to simplify things?
  • Tools
    • We'll need to dedicate time to exploring whether we can support them and then dockerization
  • APIS
    • We don't really have API support
  • RaspberryPi integration
    • Unknown


  • Propose support plan/requirements including account management. 
  • Dedicated instance: NDS-901
  • Upgrade instance from 1.0.8 to 1.0.10 (stability and container timeouts): NDS-894
  • Investigate support for requested tools: 
  • Dockerize requested tools
  • Investigate support for APIs (what does it mean for Workbench to support APIs? – documentation?)
  • Investigate options for RaspberryPi integration (seems unlikely)
  • Document and communicate expectations and process to AbbVie organizers.



From 5/25 emails

"We will have about 40 participants. Not all will be using the sandbox, but just in case…"

"Below is a list of Tools/APIs that have been suggested.  There are only 2 tools, and they seem to fall under the general category of ‘cool AI’. Additionally, we had mentioned that we’d like to do some RaspberryPi integration, so I’m not sure how that would work.


Data APIs (These are mainly just for open source data, however there are some tools associated with some of these links. Nobody here has requested any particular tool, though.)

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