
BioCADDIE project overview:

  • BioCADDIE challenge: modeled after Text REtrieval Conference (TREC)
    • Benchmark dataset
    • 15 test queries
    • Metrics for evaluation

What did we do?

  • Pseudo-relevance feedback (query expansion) using an outside collection (PubMed Open Access collection)
  • Repository prior

What is pseudo-relevance feedback (PRF):

  1. Issue the query; treat the top N documents as relevant; expand the query using the top terms from the top documents; rescore/resubmit query
  2. It's usually effective, but there's en effectiveness/efficiency tradeoff.

What will we deliver:

  1. Package and document what we did for the challenge (Craig)
  2. Re-evaluate models with full test collection
    1. Include document expansion
    2. Include other external collections (e.g., Wikipedia)
    3. Choose best model
  3. Implement model in current pipeline
    1. PubMed ingest (if useful)
    2. Implement Rocchio or RM in Lucene (or find existing)

Specific tasks

Pre-developmentPackage/document existing codeDone

Get SDSC Cloud Allocation

 Provision development VMsDone
Development environment

Get Access to DataMed source

 Get DataMed pipeline up and running on SDSCN/A 
Comparative evaluationRe-run baselines on final test collectionDone
 Re-run document expansion testsDone 
 Re-run RM1 and RM3 testsDone 
 Run Rocchio testsDone
 Run sequential dependence modelDone 
 Final comparison/report against challenge results 
DevelopmentDetermine best way to add feedback to ElasticSearchDone
 Determine best way to add prior to ElasticSearch 
 PubMed ingest and maintenance processIn-progress 
 Implement document expansion processWon't do
 Implement query expansion APIDone
 Implement repository prior 
TestingTest plan including functional, integration, and performance testsNot done
 Execute test plansNot done
ReleaseRelease planning, packagingNot done
DocumentationDocument components, architecture, installation, administrationIn progress



Brief overview of information retrieval concepts:

For this project, we are primarily concerned with what is called "ad-hoc" information retrieval (aka search). This simply means that users enter arbitrary queries against an index of documents, as we're all accustomed to for web search. Below are a few key concepts that you could be familiar with for this project.


Search engine architecture

Broadly speaking, a search engine consists of the following:
  • Text acquisition: Some means of getting the documents to be indexed (e.g., crawling the web)
  • Document storage: A system to store the raw documents. These days this is often a NoSQL system or something like BigTable
  • Text transformation: Subsystem to transform text prior to indexing. Common processes include stopping, stemming, expansion, link analysis, information extraction, classification, named entity recognition.
  • Index creation: Process to actually create/update the index based on the document collection.

Search engines:

  • Indri  – mostly academic (used in original BioCADDIE submission)
  • Lucene – underlies ElasticSearch

Queries and information needs

  • Information need: the underlying cause of the query. This is latent, unobservable.
  • Query:  the text the user enters into the search box.  The same query can represent multiple information needs; the same information need may be represented by multiple queries. This is the observable thing that we can use to actually compare to documents.

Ranking and similarity

  • Relevance:  Abstract concept used to describe the judgement of whether a particular document fulfills or does not fulfill the user's information need.
  • Similarity: How we operationalize relevance.  Similarity may be operationalized geometrically (e.g., vector space models), probabilistically (e.g., language models), logically (e.g., Boolean).
  • Ranking models:  There are a number of different ranking models or scoring algorithms available in search engine software.  Common models include Boolean, TFxIDF, BM25, and language models.

Two broad classes of models:

  • Vector space: Treat documents/queries as vectors in n-dimensional space. Measure angle between as "similarity"
  • Probabilistic (language modeling): Treat documents/queries as probability distributions over terms. Use probabilistic models to measure "similarity" – e.g., P(Q | D).

See also:


How do we know whether one model is better than another?

  • Test collection: 
    • A set of documents
    • A set of queries
    • Relevance judgments (query/document pairs, generally pooled)
    • Metric(s)


  • Precision, recall, mean average precision, precision@k, normalized discounted cumulative gain (NDCG)


Feedback and expansion models

  • Queries are often too sparse and have vocabulary mismatch with documents
  • Query expansion helps to alleviate the problem.
  • Relevance feedback:  User's judge document relevance, use judged-relevant documents to expand queries
  • Psuedo-relevance feedback: Assume top K documents are relevant, use to expand query.
  • Two commonly used models
    • Rocchio (vector space framework)
    • Lavrenko's relevance models (language modeling framework)

See also:

  • No labels