<brackets describe something happening>  Bold is strawman text for screen.  


<DataDNS with no options expanded.  Only showing our datasets (no Test Dataset 1, etc.).>

<search on Supernova or some term that brings up the best dataset for this demo>

<click Metadata, cursor goes to author email>

Launch Analysis Tools <click Launch Notebook. >

<scroll to show notebook contents.  Would be great to highlight subset of data that you later show when you access the dataset >

Find Linked Publications <click yet-to-be-added Publications link, click one of the pubs and scroll down the article.  Would be nice to see DOI at end or some ref to the dataset.  If there, scroll over with cursor to highlight.>

<back to DataDNS, click on Cite Dataset, show ability to copy citation.>

<click dataset to see data.  Can this go right to dataset?  E.g.        Not this: but this instead?

<click on Data folder>

<hover over download and view in browser link>

<click through folder tree to data that someone would do something with.  Better if whatever subset gets downloaded, can be viewed with some plug-in or tool that domain uses.  Need mucho help here, maybe ask Matt Turk or Kacper?>

<end back at DataDNS> Simple Discovery and Sharing of Large Simulation Datasets

<add slide with acknowledgements to everyone who helped, especially Matt Turk, Kyle Chard, Kacper, names of our team, Ed Seidel, etc.  We should acknowledge projects we used.  Defer to Kandace and Kenton on if that’s WT, ythub, Girder or all of the above.>

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