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  1. GeoDashboard
  2. GEOD-89

Build the 'Explore Trends' interface


    • 30

      See attached mock up for a sample of what this Explore Trends section should look like.

      We could give users the ability to provide an interval, but this could be dangerous. 10 years might have to be a minimum.

          1. IAGLAR-Scenarios-ARTBOARDS_Ex Trends - 1.jpg
            572 kB
            Nicholas Tenczar
          2. IAGLAR-Scenarios-ARTBOARDS_Ex Trends - 2.jpg
            600 kB
            Nicholas Tenczar
          3. Screen Shot 2014-08-14 at 4.48.26 PM.png
            1.91 MB
            Brock Angelo
          4. Total-Phosphorus-Spring.PNG
            667 kB
            Eugene Roeder
          5. Trends.pdf
            1.13 MB
            Lisa Gatzke
          6. Trends-Feature-Screen-Shot.PNG
            585 kB
            Eugene Roeder
          7. trends-screen-shot.PNG
            650 kB
            Eugene Roeder

              eroeder Eugene Roeder
              ntenczar Nicholas Tenczar
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
