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  1. Kurator
  2. KURATOR-121

Ability to shape output to unique by locality cases of georeference curations.


      I passed a spreadsheet of 160 MCZbase records (occurrence.txt unzipped from IPT -> FP-Akka 1.4.3 -> grep "GeoReferenceValidator\":\"CURATED" -> fp-postprocessor ) on to Brendan.

      He commented: (1) there are probably only about 10 locality records here. (2) it would be nice to have the MCZbase locality id in the results.

      MCZbase could provide it's internal locality id in the DarwinCore resource in IPT through dwc:locationId. I think we'd need to improve the generalization in the postprocessor to get that term into the output, but with or without that, this story is a case where an ability to report on unique values would be useful (in a way that could currently be done by selecting subsets of a sheet in the spreadsheet and reducing them to unique values).

              Unassigned Unassigned
              mole Paul J. Morris
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