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  1. Kurator
  2. KURATOR-187

Quality Control Authority Table against Source


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • None

      Generalization of Kurator-186

      A database manager of a data set wishes to perform quality control on an authority table in their database system against some external authority (e.g. country names and country codes against some geographic list), identifying records that can and cannot be linked to the external authority, and filling in guids for records.

      The database manager exports data from their authority table, including primary key values, selects a specification for quality control of the data values, selects other relevant parameters, uploads the data set, and executes the workflow. A report is produced that the database manager can filter and use to alter their authority table.

      Preconditions: CSV export of data including primary key values from table, along with relevant fields for QC, including a header line specifying the fields.

      Postconditions: CSV file containging initial input columns, assertions of the nature of matches and missmatches against authorities, values of input fields as found in authorities, added fields found in authorities (e.g. country code for an input list of country names), and provenance concerning the guids and enhancement assertions.

      Alternative paths: The database manager selects a summary report to assess the overall compliance of their authority table with the external authority. The export is of distinct values in a field in a denormalized table (e.g. values of Country in a flat higher geography table), where one row in the input has values found in one or more rows in the source table, and no primary key is included.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              mole Paul J. Morris
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