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  1. Kurator
  2. KURATOR-211

Actor that allows user configuration of output format and columns.


      Suggested in a demo to the EOL education group. Use case there was a student using Kurator to check a specific aspect of a data set, and being presented with output result columns that only included terms pertenent to the aspect of the dataset they were evaluating.

      We've also talked about three general forms of output: the QC spreadsheet produced by FP-Akka (with its all rows and problems only views), the taxon name validation only csv output produced by FP-Akka, and overview reports making assertions about the unique values found in input. Some of these may involve different actors (e.g. conversion of the intermediate json to a human readable spreadsheet), others may involve configuration of one actor.

      More generally, given a workflow that implements some specification, allow configuration of the information elements included in the data quality report.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              mole Paul J. Morris
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