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  1. National Data Service
  2. NDS-324

Prototype Visual Studio Code web container


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None

      For Sprint 7: present VS Code container to us and discuss whether we want to go forward with it or other changes. Exploratory work to better understand VS Code and how it would fit with NDS Labs.

      From discussions with raila and willis8, Visual Studio Code looks like another promising editor that we could potentially offer for people to use. This would allow us to provide C# as a potential language choice, as well as other .NET languages, which previously would likely have been difficult to offer on a Linux platform.

      Since VSCode is just another open-source angular2 app (MIT license), I would like to look into ways to potentially integrate this new editor into our system.

      Current Options:

      • Revert "Electron" / "desktop app" behavior back to a traditional ng2 webapp
      • Provide X11 access to an instance of the desktop app (a la NDS-323)

      This ticket is complete when we decide on the best of the above options and create an image or set of images that work outside of NDS Labs. Integrating the editor into NDS Labs itself will likely be a separate task, unless it's fairly straightforward.

              willis8 Craig Willis
              lambert8 Sara Lambert
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