Geostreams Data Framework
  1. Geostreams Data Framework


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
4d967f3e7e6Added description to specify that IMLCZO data is RAW
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
ba14348d5cfUpdate CHANGELOG
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
05f993466a7Updating some settings
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
2beac9c58d8Update CHANGELOG
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
0ad002fedbbAdd new parameters
Michelle PitcelIndira Gutierrez PoloMichelle Pitcel
0a777c07f22Make the Menu Bar fill the screen width like in V3.
Indira Gutierrez PoloIndira Gutierrez Polo
8ae809931f7MMerge pull request #65 in GEOD/imlczo from IMLCZO-210-remove-welcome-page to develop* commit 'c1f7a53c7c7b822f0b453c043f87ac9df2d8a22b': Remove Welcome PageIMLCZO-210
Michelle PitcelIndira Gutierrez PoloMichelle Pitcel
c1f7a53c7c7Remove Welcome Page
Indira Gutierrez PoloIndira Gutierrez Polo
84cf5814c45Added configuration for detail page time series graphs to all show the same extent of time.GEOD-1040GEOD-1040
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
a6c1fb3b62fMMerge branch 'master' into GLGVO-395-remove-search-page-with-optionGLGVO-395
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
- Setup for using gd3 search - Added a variable
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
cc6c69f865dUpdate CHANGELOG
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
19e30b7f343Add Categories back
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
e946de1c534Update CHANGELOG
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
101f17f82d9Remove search test file
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
de60bcb87acRemove Categories Accordion
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
a246dbe0111Changes:- Update Explore Map - Some refactoring
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
376bbbc9c43Update Search Map
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
268d918fe01Update CHANGELOG
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
d6c819ce997Renamed "Home" to "Explore"
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
f111247ffbaRemove "Explore Ameriflux"
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
f90259e71e8Remove "Explore by Parameters"
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
c057aef87e8Some refactoring
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
1e9426d058fMMerge branch 'master' into IMLCZO-195-add-greon-07-and-data-to-imlczoIMLCZO-195
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
5538c2fbe7aAdding new categories and items
Luigi MariniLuigi Marini
ece341ca1f5MMerge pull request #53 in GEOD/imlczo from IMLCZO-105-ability-to-calculate-dynamically to master* commit '838cd17d7b2a6400081df968b8e89fd4a0387844': Updating the CHANGELOG Update CHANGELOG Add the 'showZero' option and set it to 'false'IMLCZO-105
Luigi MariniLuigi Marini
57ef28e5d1aMMerge pull request #45 in GEOD/imlczo from feature/IMLCZO-168-update-geodashboard-config-variable to master* commit '502c732315d8f144d335977ec5cb7217d37f7277': Updating the CHANGELOG Update CHANGELOG Added categories where possible based upon similar items previously placed into categories Added the missing variables to this file. These variables will need new-style names and categories in the future.IMLCZO-168
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
4e26ecdef03Update CHANGELOG
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
3a6853c7cf5Change search_link
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
c0abbcc138fAdd new variables with temporary information
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
838cd17d7b2Updating the CHANGELOG
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
502c732315dUpdating the CHANGELOG
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
b5f3927c652MMerge branch 'master' into feature/IMLCZO-168-update-geodashboard-config-variableIMLCZO-168
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
0dce914c9edMMerge branch 'master' into IMLCZO-105-ability-to-calculate-dynamicallyIMLCZO-105
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
ea9ffbb417fAdd 'sites_count_search_from_sources' variable
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
2b9a8abc463Add configuration options for the Compare Page graphs to have lines and points
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
7811e76a23fUpdate CHANGELOG
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
3db0e9d7a89Add the 'showZero' option and set it to 'false'
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
10f4d845016Added source information for GREON
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
9d4df8ad9f9Update CHANGELOG
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
1437ac22a95MMerge branch 'master' into feature/IMLCZO-168-update-geodashboard-config-variableIMLCZO-168
Luigi MariniLuigi Marini
ec435a8f292MMerge pull request #51 in GEOD/imlczo from IMLCZO-191-remove-allerton-non-decagon-pressure to master* commit '697069f10521d2873ca996e54031499f9a6c4925': Update CHANGELOG Remove unused ParametersIMLCZO-191
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
e45f3622c63Add Legends option to accordion items on the Explore Page
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
13f291f8f60MMerge branch 'master' into feature/IMLCZO-180-use-v3-search-instead-of-v2-searchIMLCZO-180
Luigi MariniLuigi Marini
33d64b281d4MMerge pull request #46 in GEOD/imlczo from feature/IMLCZO-182-investigate-not-loading-all-layers to master* commit 'b6d7641f88ea24cf23056fc53ffde99bbbc64d22': Update CHANGELOG Change this to true by default Updates: - corrected how these were setup - set most to falseIMLCZO-182
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
b6d7641f88eUpdate CHANGELOG
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
59ac2b94357Change this to true by default
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
697069f1052Update CHANGELOG
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
77725a66bb2Remove unused Parameters
Michelle PitcelMichelle Pitcel
83aad97089aUpdate CHANGELOG