Release 1.5

Bug Fixes (Highest Testing Priority)


  1. SETUP: Is there special setup or configuration needed to make an instance "private"?
  2. Login to Clowder
  3. Make yourself SuperAdmin using the dropdown at the top-right
    1. You should now be able to see all datasets on Clowder, including those that you are not a part of
  1. SETUP: Is there special setup or configuration needed to make an instance "private"?
  2. Login to Clowder
  3. ???


MongoDB Dataset Service

  1. add file under path test/a/b/file,
    1. run get paths endpoint on this file.
    2. delete this file from clowder.
  2. add file under test dataset.
    1. run get paths endpoint on this file.
    2. delete this file from clowder.

RabbitMQ Parameter Escaping

Extractors Logging Sensitive Data in Plaintext

New Views: ExtractorInfo / ExtractorDetails

  1. Check out this branch, enable the RabbitMQ plugin in your Clowder instance, and start an extractor that has the process block defined in extractor_info.json
  2. Create a space (or navigate to an existing space)
  3. Admins should see an "Extractors" button/link on the right of the spaces/:spaceId view - click this link
    1. You should be brought to spaces/:spaceId/extractors
    2. You should see any registered extractors listed here
    3. This view now should roughly match the mockups attached to this ticket (sans the "Show Columns" dropdown)
    4. Each extractor should list the name, description, author, and process triggers, as well as the checkbox to enable or disable them

New API: Reverse Proxy

  1. Configure the following in your custom.conf, then run Clowder using that configuration:

    clowder.proxy {

  2. Without logging in, attempt to hit the geoserver API through the proxy - for example: http://localhost:9000/api/proxy/geopub/clowder/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=clowder:tmppFKK2_.zip12172744&styles=&bbox=365741.5,4434859.5,375398.5,4444630.5&width=506&height=512&srs=EPSG:26916&format=image/png
  3. Log into Clowder via http://localhost:9000/login
  4. Attempt to hit the geoserver API again using the proxy - for example: http://localhost:9000/api/proxy/geopub/clowder/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=clowder:tmppFKK2_.zip12172744&styles=&bbox=365741.5,4434859.5,375398.5,4444630.5&width=506&height=512&srs=EPSG:26916&format=image/png
  5. Choose an endpoint_key that does not exist - for example: http://localhost:9000/api/proxy/ThisIsNonsense
  1. Configure your clowder.proxy as follows:

    clowder.proxy {

  2. Navigate to http://localhost:9000/api/proxy/authtest
  3. Navigate to http://localhost:9000/login and login to Clowder
  4. Navigate once more to http://localhost:9000/api/proxy/authtest

  1. view the updated spec in Swagger UI here:


You can also serve swagger.yml some other way, if you'd like, but CORS did (I think) prevent me from linking Swagger UI directly to a raw file in our OpenSource BitBucket.

For example, this did not work:

New Features

Tracking Usage Metrics

Per-Space Extractors

Configuration / Maintainability Changes