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  1. Kurator
  2. KURATOR-188

QC of a biodiversity dataset


      A data curator of a biodiversity dataset presents a set of darwin core data extracted from their data set for quality control. The data curator selects a set of one or more specifications to apply to the input data, executes the quality control process, and recieves a summary report on their dataset and a quality controled copy of their dataset specifying the enahancements proposed by the application of the specifications to their data set.

      A data curator may wish to check scientific name strings against one or more nomeclatural authorities, check country names, check continent/country/state/county combinations for consistency, compare textual locality against georeference, check datum, check georeference within valid range, check collecting event date terms for consistency, check collecting event date against collector's lifespan, check basis of record against geologic age, etc, looking for sets of enhancements that can be directly applied to the data or be handed off to relevant domain stakeholders for investigation and correction.

      A data curator may also wish to check a DarwinCore archive for mapping problems, producing a report on terms that are expected to contain numeric values, terms that are expected to contain date values, terms that are expected to conform to controled vocabularies, latitude and longitude as not systematically transposed, etc - looking for a summary report where enhancements are likely to point to problems with the mapping of a data source onto DarwinCore terms.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              mole Paul J. Morris
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