Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Modified zenodo.json file to include more Orcid Ids CATS-884



  • In a private mode, a superadmin can now see datasets in a space that he/she is not part of. CATS-881
  • In private mode, users used to be able to see the list of spaces. Now they cannot. CATS-887

1.4.0 - 2018-05-04


  • Ability to disable username/password login provider. CATS-803
  • Track original file name used when file was originally uploaded. SEAD-1173
  • LDAP authentication. CATS-54
  • Ability for users to create their own API keys. CATS-686
  • Abilty for CiLogon provider to filter by LDAP groups.
  • exact flag on collection and dataset API endpoints that accept a title flag. This will use exact matching on the title field instead of regular expression fuzzy matching.
  • Having a temporary trash option. Can be set with useTrash boolean in the configuration file. CATS-780
  • Track last time a user logged in.
  • Add logic to check rabbitmq, mongo, clowder ready before creating default users with Docker compose. BD-2059
  • Add Jupyter notebook examples of how to interacting with Clowder endpoints for file, dataset, collection and spaces manipulation.
  • HTML previewer for text/html files. CATS-861


  • File and dataset GET metadata endpoints now include their corresponding IDs and resource type information. CATS-718
  • Cleanup of docker build process and how Clowder in launched in Docker. CATS-871
  • Serving gravatar picture over https instead of http. CATS-882
  • When the metadata.jsonld has a contextURL instead of a JsObject or JsArray show a popup with the link of the context instead of creating a link. CATS-842


  • Space admins can now delete metadata definitions. CATS-880
  • Rolling log file wrote to wrong folder, now writes to logs folder.
  • Now sends email when a user signs up using an external login provider. Due to this fix admins will receive an email a user logs on for the first time after this version is deployed when logging in with an external login provider. CATS-483
  • Fixed dataset geospatial layer checkbox turn on/off and opacity. CATS-837
  • Fixed GreenIndex previewer on clowder dataset page. BD-1912
  • Only show the sort by dropdown in the collection page when the sort in memory flag is false. CATS-840
  • Extraction status returns "Done" instead of "Processing" when one of the extractor fails CATS-719
  • Avoid exception avoid exception in user events when unknown events don't match expected pattern (e.g. metadata events from another branch).
  • Fixed bug where "show more results" would fail on Search. CATS-860
  • Fixed bug where reindex of Elasticsearch would fail if extractors tried to index simultaneously. CATS-856
  • Fixed bug of Account not active when using mongo-init to create user account. BD-2042
  • Setting status for users on signup. CATS-864
  • Person tracking previewer updated after changes to the associated metadata structure. CATS-730
  • Hide incompatible extractors on /datasets/:id/extractions and /files/:id/extractions views. CATS-875
  • Can now accept ToS even if account is not enabled. CATS-834

1.3.5 - 2018-02-23


  • Modifying subject for emails being sent when a user is added to a space. CATS-858

1.3.4 - 2018-02-05


  • Downloading datasets could take a long time before actual download started and could result in proxy timeouts. CATS-795

1.3.3 - 2017-12-21


  • Endpoint to get a list of traversing paths from datasets to the parent folders of the given file. CATS-811
  • clowder.upload.previews flag to application.conf to turn on/off previews in upload page. CATS-813


  • Send email with instructions when registerThroughAdmins=true. CATS-791
  • Default showAll to true when listing spaces. CATS-815
  • Move submit for extraction to the top on file page and dataset page. Remove parameter text field on Submit for Extraction page. CATS-794
  • Add 'cat:' as prefix for typeOfAgent in UserAgent and ExtractorAgent constructors. Add filter or condition to check typeOfAgent is cat:extractor in getTechnicalMetadataJSON endpoint. CATS-798


  • Dataset geospatial previewer now has a max of 20 layers shown by default. The dataset page was taking too long to load for datasets with lots of files because of this. CATS-826
  • Dataset descriptions of sufficient length no longer cause the page to freeze in tiles view.
  • Tags lists now showing up to 10000 entries when using elasticsearch. Was defaulting to 10. SEAD-1169
  • Add js route to get the JSONLD metadata of a file. GitHub-PR#2
  • Geostreams POST /sensors lat and long are reversed. GLGVO-382
  • Edit license breaks on names with apostrophes in them. CATS-820

1.3.2 - 2017-08-15


  • Elasticsearch searches are broken. CATS-783

1.3.1 - 2017-07-24


  • Upgraded Postgres driver to 42.1.1. Geostreams API was throwing an a "canceling statement due to user request" error for large datapoint queries with Postgresql versions 9.5+. CATS-771
  • When doing a reindex all indices in elasticsearch were removed. CATS-772
  • CILogin properly works by specifying bearer token in header.
  • Collections id properly removed from child collections when deleting parent collection. CATS-774
  • The modal for adding a relationship between sensors and datasets is now on top of the background and can be clicked. CATS-777

1.3.0 - 2017-06-20


  • Only show spaces, collections and datasets that are shared with other users under 'explore' tab. In application.conf, this is set by the showOnlySharedInExplore whose default value is false.
  • Ability to download a collection. Download collection and dataset both use BagIt by default. CATS-571
  • Ability to mention other users using '@' in a comment on a file or dataset. Mentioned users will receive a notification email and a notice in their event feed. SEAD-781
  • Description field to metadata definition. SEAD-1101
  • Improved documentation for the user interface.


  • Ability to search datapoints, averages and trends using a start and end time.
  • Ability to change how many items are displayed on the listing pages. SEAD-1149
  • When downloading datasets there is no folder with the id for each file. SEAD-1038
  • Datasets can be copied with Download Files and View Dataset permissions instead of just the owner. SEAD-1162
  • Selections can now be downloaded, tagged or deleted directly from the top menu bar through the new action dropdown.
  • Can assign any GeoJSON geometry to Geostreams entities in the PostGIS database, not just lat/long coordinates. CATS-643
  • Attributes filter on datapoint GET endpoint can now include ':' to restrict to datapoints that match a specific value in their attributes. CATS-762


  • Binning on geostreaming api for hour and minutes. GEOD-886
  • Returning the last average when semi is not selected and there is no binning by season.
  • Removing space id from collections and datasets when the space is deleted. CATS-752
  • Copy of dataset. When a dataset is copied, the newly created dataset will have the system generated metadata, previews, and thumbnails for the dataset and the files. CATS-729
  • Return 409 Conflict when submitting file for manual extraction and file is not marked as PROCESSED. CATS-754
  • Listing of files in dataset breaks when user permissions in a space are set to View. CATS-767
  • Reenabled byte counts on index and status pages.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.

1.2.0 - 2017-03-24


  • Docker container to add normal/admin users for Clowder. BD-1167
  • ORCID/other ID expansion - uses SEAD's PDT service to expand user ids entered as creator/contact metadata so they show as a name, link to profile, and email(if available). SEAD-1126
  • Can add a list of creators to a Dataset and publication request(Staging Area plugin). This addition also supports type-in support for adding a creator by name, email, or ID, and adjusts the layout/labeling of the owner(was creator) field, and creator and descirption fields. SEAD-1071, SEAD-610


  • Clowder now requires Java 8.
  • Updated the POST endpoint /api/extractors to accept a list of extractor repositories (git, docker, svn, etc) instead of only one. BD-1253
  • Changed default labels in Staging Area plugin, e.g. "Curation Objects" to "Publication Requests" and make them configurable. SEAD-1131
  • Updated docker compose repositories from ncsa/* to clowder/*. CATS-734
  • Improved handling of special characters and long descriptions for datasets and Staging Area publication requests SEAD-1143, CATS-692
  • Default for clowder.diskStorage.path changed from /tmp/clowder to /home/clowder/data. CATS-748


  • Fixed email newsfeed template for new events, so that instances with malfunctioning email digest subscriptions can correctly generate digest emails. SEAD-1108

1.1.0 - 2017-01-18


  • Breadcrumbs at the top of the page. SEAD-1025
  • Ability to submit datasets to specific extractors. CATS-697
  • Ability to ask for just number of datapoints in query. GEOD-783
  • Filter metadata on extractor ID. CATS-566
  • Moved additional entries to conf/ for internationalization and customization of labels by instance.
  • (Experimental) Support for geostreams datapoints with parameters values organized by type. GLM-54
  • Extraction messages are now sent with the RabbitMQ persistent flag turned on. CATS-714
  • Pagination to listing of curation objects.
  • Pagination to listing of public datasets.


  • Only show Quicktime preview for Quicktime-VR videos.
  • Organize public/published datasets into multiple tabs on project space page. SEAD-1036
  • Changed RabbitMQ delivery mode to persistent. CATS-714
  • Dataset and collection listing layout is not consistent with space listing layout.


  • /delete-all endpoint.


  • Validation of JSON-LD when uploaded. CATS-438
  • Files are no longer called blob when downloaded.
  • Corrected association of JSON-LD metadata and user when added through API.
  • Ability to add specific metadata to a space. SEAD-1133, SEAD-1134
  • Metadata context popups now always properly disappear on mouse out.
  • User metadata @context properly filled to required mappings. CATS-717

1.0.0 - 2016-12-07

First official release of Clowder.